Free Range Learning

I have been reading a book recently called "Free Range Learning" and I for one am cynical about unschooling. I home school all in the name of structure so I can make sure my children are meeting the state standards, right? Wink, wink. They need to be able to "function in society". What is the definition of function? Anyway I have come across some incredible points in this book. I was already practicing some of the suggestions they make, but limiting them in order to keep up with the public school standards.

Some of the points I found interesting are, “There’s an element of uncertainty involved in education. An analogy can be found in art. A painter approaches the canvas, but rather than push himself to begin, he pauses, allowing impressions and sensations to fill him. When he surrenders to the process, he is ready. Then he is able to forget himself and bring forth the waiting image. These same steps work as we encourage learning.”

1. Embrace the possibilities

2. Step back slightly, allowing the learning situation to unfold.

3. Remain present without exerting undo control over the outcome.

4. Be comfortable with what is immeasurable.” Weldon, L. (2010) Pg. 41

I wish I could just quote the whole book because I don't feel that I do it justice. With that said I am not a public school hater. I don't expect everyone else to pull their kids out of school. I am of the opinion that parents should be more educated about how the school system works and how it works with each child individually, because that is what each child is, an individual! It’s extremely difficult to group that many children together with so many personalities and expect to have a learning environment for everyone. It is my opinion each child deserves just that.

I would recommend anyone currently homeschooling or considering homeschooling to read this book. I have found in my search for education and enlightenment in the area of my children’s education that the advice given in this book (see reference below) can take the stress off of the parent and the child and will create a healthier learning environment.


Weldon, L., (2010) Free range learning: How Homeschooling Changes Everything.

Prescott, AZ: Hohm Press